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Latin-Jewish Duo Br Jason Hernandez-Rosenblatt 8, 2005 july

Latin-Jewish Duo Br Jason Hernandez-Rosenblatt 8, 2005 july

Shout “1492” in a crowded club, plus some change kocker may sing away, “Columbus sailed the ocean blue. ” The thing to do” maintains the rhyme, it lacks the singsong syncopation necessary to indoctrinate generations of school children while the equally truthful “Ferdinand decreed killing jews. Alas. Inquisitionally, 1492 ended up being a banner year — 200,000 Spanish Jews were burned, forcibly transformed or shipped down. Such as an noisy alarms going off every few 100 years, one of many bigger Diaspora reshufflings accompanied, tumbling and jumbling Jews all over the world like a lot of scrabble tiles.

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