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The facts About Casual Intercourse (and exactly how To Have It)

The facts About Casual Intercourse (and exactly how To Have It)

Among the earliest canards – something I’ve written about before, in fact – may be the idea that females don’t like intercourse, specially casual intercourse, just as much as guys do. The punchline to hacky comedians’ jokes and the background noise in movies and sitcoms since pretty much forever it’s the subject of many a heated debate. We’re given any amount of good reasons for this, from the classic “sperm is cheap/eggs are costly” evo-psych rationale to the greater amount of mercenary “women utilize intercourse for barter” market view of peoples sex. This supposed disparity between male and libidos that are female element of what drives a great deal of Pick-Up Artists strategies, of Red-Pill rage and lots of a rant from anime-avatar’d randos on Twitter whenever people dare to recommend otherwise.

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